We are currently developing a number of programs for production, and are always looking for new products to add to our extensive range of Educational and Information Packages.

Products Currently Available:

1001: Mind and Body Fitness Health Program "mindyfit.com"

Option 1: Single DVD/CD of your choice

Option 2: Three DVD/CD's of your choice

Option 3: Complete set of CD Self Help Training Program

All products will be dispatched within 24 hours of confirmation of cleared payment.

Your Payment Choice

1001a: Mind and Body Fitness Total Health Monthly Subscription

You will be sent a unique password to your registered email address and given access to our personalised Health Program. A DVD/CD will be forwarded each month along with the appropriate guide to support you through your agreed Mind and Body Total Health Regime.

1002: 3g Application Guide - "3geezapps.com"

Downloadable *pdf 3g application guide

You will be sent a unique password to your registered email address and given access to our Private warehouse store of downloadable programs

1003: The Total Workout Physical Fitness Training Program - "www.total-workout.co.uk"

Your Two DVD training program will be dispatched within 24 hours of confirmation of cleared payment.